The Sandbox

Changing the Culture of Culture Change

The Sandbox is
a living laboratory for emancipation
where visionary leaders & changemakers
dance with their own hidden contradictions & change the world from the inside out.

About The Sandbox

Within the culture of culture change hides a curious paradox:
A replication of the very dysfunction we are trying to dismantle.

The Sandbox is a school that liberates our people from that paradox.

Here, we integrate what we were taught to fear.
We surface what we’ve been trained to bury.
We revel, we savor, we play.
We dance like we don’t give a $@%! who’s watching.

Because when we use shame & policing
to control ourselves and each other,
we are doing the master’s work for him.

Shame is the antidote to liberation. It is fuel for the machine, and
it is still deeply embedded in the culture of culture change.

Shame stokes the heartbreak, disillusionment, burn-out, stonewalling & separation
that keep us from
moving beyond the machine together.

In this space, culture change isn’t just for the world outside.
It’s alive in us — our path, practice & devotion because we know:
We can’t change outside what we can’t liberate inside.

Emancipatory Training:The Heart of the Work

Emancipatory Training is the philosophy of The Sandbox brought to life:
What cannot be lived cannot be transformed.
We cannot break free from what we cannot feel.

In unique partner and group exercises, cohorts of visionary leaders and changemakers
slowly liberate what has been pushed down, tied up, and orphaned.

Emancipatory Training is not passive learning — it is a living practice of
surfacing, metabolizing, and transforming in real time so you can:

  • Shift from performing to practice, and lead with integrity

  • Interrupt the cycle of quiet policing that keeps orgs, teams & collectives stuck in the mud

  • Train your emotional flexibility so you can direct tough moments with ease

  • Break free from self-policing so you can develop self-trust & a sense of play with the unknown

  • Metabolize the chaos meant to drive us into doubt & despair, and
    develop your clarity, creativity and vision.

  • Spot & integrate the hidden dysfunctions in your team so you can
    become a healthy ecosystem that fuels true culture change

  • Experience the lasting power of collective transformation

More Fully Human:
Our Flagship Program

Culture doesn’t transform through control—it transforms through permission:
the messy, exciting and liberating work of
becoming More Fully Human.

Too often, leaders and changemakers believe they need to be good & golden
The ideal activist, the flawless visionary —
The perfect agent of change.

The Sandbox institutionalizes permission, expansion, and humanity down to the bones.
We dance in all the mud puddles of our becoming & workshop liberation in real time.

🚀 More Fully Human launches Summer 2025 —
complimentary workshops & roundtables happening now!

Come Play

A Message from Jessica

Welcome, Cycle Breaker. Changemaker. Visionary Leader.

I am deeply excited to share this work with you.

The Sandbox is a culmination of everything I’ve learned
from over twenty years of working with people
across spiritual, political, and therapeutic sectors.

The methodology knits together what has been missing
from all our spaces aimed at freedom.

Welcome aboard. We can’t do this without you.

"I’ve spent over 4 years in therapy, but it didn’t touch on parts of my own deep wounding that 1 year of work with Jess has allowed me to access. Jess doesn’t come to the table with all of the answers, she comes with the
questions, tools, and support for you to alchemize major shifts in your own life. Jess is one of the wisest people I know. Her commitment as a practitioner, paired with her commitment to supporting liberation for individuals and on collective levels make me so happy to recommend Jess as a guide and mentor."  

 - Amelia N. Washington, DC